Artificial Intelligence Applied to Healthcare


Mehdi Rahman
BMES Health Tech Institute
Systems Engineer, Labyrinth Devices, LLC


John Showalter, MD, MSIS
Chief Product Officer, Jvion

John Axerio-Cilies, PhD
COO and Co-Founder, Arterys

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a major area of interest across a wide variety of fields with healthcare being no exception. While there is much media hype over AI, within healthcare there are also already demonstrations of AI-based diagnosis tools performing as well as highly-trained clinicians in areas such as medical imaging or ECG recordings. What are some real-world examples of the effective use of AI in healthcare? What role can AI realistically play in the future of healthcare? In this webinar, John Showalter, CPO of Jvion, and John Axerio-Cilies, COO of Arterys, will speak about how each of their organizations apply AI to the healthcare industry and give their views on where the field is heading.

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