Why join BMES? Read on to learn more!
Welcome to BMES! Whether you're a student joining for the first time, or a student renewing their membership, we have many benefits for you!
BMES will guide you as you advance through your career in biomedical engineering! BMES offers resources, networking opportunities, and events that will help you succeed. As a student, you have access to a wide variety of members-only benefits specifically designed to help you reach your fullest potential!
Student benefits include:
- BMES blog
- Journals
- Posters at the Annual Meeting
- Webinars
- BMES Briefs Newsletter
Networking (Virtually and in-person)
- Join a student chapter
- Meetings
- Member directory
- Volunteering
Discounts & Awards
- Student rates to our meetings
- Apply for student travel stipends
- Start a student chapter on campus and become eligible for Student Chapter Awards!
Welcome to BMES! Whether you're an Early Career member joining for the first time, or an Early Career member renewing their membership, we want to help you navigate the field!
BMES wants to guide you as you advance through your career in biomedical engineering. BMES offers resources, networking opportunities, and events that will help you succeed. As an Early Career member, you have access to a wide variety of members-only benefits specifically designed to help you reach your fullest potential!
Early Career benefits include:
- BMES blog
- Journals
- Webinars
- BMES Briefs Newsletter
Network with other professionals in the field
- Meetings
- Member directory
- Special interest groups
Make an impact
- Become a mentor
- Join a committee
- Join the BMES board
- Present at BMES meetings
Welcome to BMES! Whether you're joining for the first time or renewing your membership, we have something just for you!
BMES wants to guide you as you advance through your career in biomedical engineering. BMES offers resources, networking opportunities, and events that will help you succeed. As a professional member, you have access to a wide variety of members-only benefits specifically designed to help you reach your fullest potential. You do not have to be a BME to join BMES as a professional member - everyone interested in or working in the field is welcome.
Professional Member benefits include:
Latest information in BME
- BMES blog
- Journals
- Webinars
- BMES Briefs Newsletter
Network with other professionals in the field
- Meetings
- Member directory
- Special interest groups
Make an impact
- Become a mentor
- Join a committee
- Join the BMES board
- Present at BMES meetings
- BMES Mid-Career Award
- Diversity Lecture Award
- Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award
- Robert A. Pritzker Distinguished Lecture Award
Welcome to BMES! Whether you're a Fellow joining for the first time, or a Fellow renewing their membership, we have a lot to offer you!
BMES wants to offer the recognition you deserve as you advance through your career in biomedical engineering. BMES offers resources, networking opportunities, and events that will help you succeed. As a Fellow, you have access to a wide variety of members-only benefits specifically designed to help you continue to lead in the BME field!
Fellow benefits include:
- BMES Awards
- Diversity Lecture Award
- Robert A. Pritzker Distinguished Lecture Award
- BMES Fellowship
- Join the BMES board
- Join a BMES committee
- Present at BMES meetings
The latest information in BME
- BMES blog
- Journals
- Webinars
- BMES Briefs Newsletter
Network with other professionals in the field
- Meetings
- Member directory
- Special interest groups