Best Practices for How to Sustain a BMES Student Chapter Webinar
Recorded: October 31, 2017
Matthew Brown
BMES Board of Directors Student Representative
Alexandra Kasper
Current President, University of California, San Diego BMES Student Chapter
Bryan Yeh
Past Co-President, University of California, San Diego BMES Student Chapter
Alexandra Muise
Past Co-President, University of California San Diego BMES Student Chapter
This webinar features an overview of how to start a BMES Student Chapter and expectations for sustaining a chapter. The 2017 BMES Outstanding Student Chapter award winner, University of California, San Diego, provides their undergraduate student chapter best practices, goals and accomplishments, and share ways they interact with their graduate student chapter. The chapter highlights initiatives targeting student success, research literacy, and community outreach. They identify best practices in their transition processes, how to illicit student involvement, and future directions. The webinar allows students interested in starting a chapter, new student chapters, and current student chapter members the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas and implement new goals for their upcoming year.
Additional Resources:
Students/Chapters Information
BMES Industry Chapters - Check here to see if there is an industry chapter near your school
2016 Outstanding Student Chapter Awardee VT-Wake Forest University CDR sample
2016 Commendable Achievement Awardee Clemson University CDR sample
This copyrighted webinar is produced by the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) for the sole use of its membership. Any rebroadcast or retransmission to a non-BMES member without the written consent of BMES is prohibited.
©BMES 2017