Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Biomedical Engineering

Recorded: April 5, 2017

Kunal Mitra, PhD
Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology 

Mansoor Nasir, PhD
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Lawrence Technological University

Donald Gaver, PhD
BMES Education Committee Chair
Alden J. 'Doc' Laborde Professor and Department Chair of Biomedical Engineering, Tulane University

This webinar features presentations on programs including entrepreneurship and design. The first presentation highlights how entrepreneurial minded learning can be embedded into the biomedical curriculum with class examples of modules. These modules encourage student-instructor interaction in classroom and motivate the students to consider both the value created, and the impact of technical and non-technical factors on engineered products. The second presentation covers an Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Bioinnovation, a program that cultivates trainee’s abilities to develop clinically relevant biomedical technologies and devices leading to marketable products. This program couples research with extensive training in entrepreneurship and regulation to develop graduates who can lead the creation of innovative and cost-effective solutions to complex biomedical problems.

Undergraduate and graduate students will benefit from the webinar as well as faculty and educators.

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©BMES 2017