Interview with Industry - Danielle McGeary
RECORDED: May 22, 2020
Introducing a brand new Webinar series, "Interview w/ Industry"; BMES brings you leading members of various Biomedical Engineering fields for a brand new Q&A session each month. We encouraged members to attend live to ask questions about life in the industry, tips and tricks to getting in, and what pitfalls to look out for.
Dorma Flemister
Student Liason to the Board of Directors
Member of the Student Affairs Subcommittee
Student at Ohio State University
Danielle McGeary
Vice Presidenty of Healthcare Technology Management at AAMI
Danielle received her MS in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Connecticut.
She is a certified Project Manager and Healthcare Technology Manager. McGeary has worked as a District Manager for Aramark Healthcare Technologies, Director of Clinical Engineering for the VA Boston and Bedford Healthcare Systems, and as an Equipment Planner and Clinical Engineer for Hartford Healthcare.
This copyrighted webinar is produced by the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES).
©BMES 2020