Translation, Intellectual Property and Venture Capital Webinar
Recorded: July 29, 2015
Ben Noe
Project Manager, Surgical Innovations | Minimally Invasive Therapies Group, Medtronic
Clark Wilson
Sr. Counsel, Merchant and Gould
David Kuraguntla, D.O.
Founder and CEO, Graftworx, and Founder, Spiral Arm Ventures
Are you interested in starting your own company or translating your research into a setting where it can be commercialized and ultimately used to improve clinical outcomes? This webinar will provide an introduction to what it takes to transfer technologies from an academic research setting into a start-up or corporate environment. Topics of discussion will include securing patents and IP rights for your technology, navigating the university tech transfer process, the pros and cons between launching a start-up or licensing your technology, as well as the types of venture funding and funding rounds for your business. Speakers will discuss best practices and provide real-world examples from their own experiences.
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